Driven by gospel urgency, our church will be a community of relational disciple-makers and establish a family of churches for the glory of God.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.
As Jesus is calling you to be a disciple-maker, is he also calling you to be a church planter? To be on a church planting team? To be a resource in multiplying and expanding God's local church?
Our Church Planting Residency seeks to help answer these questions as well as prepare potential church planters in scripturally sound, experiential ways. This is a twelve month immersive commitment. During that time we'll focus on biblical principles around what we call “Competencies,” as well as hands-on experiences that directly relate to equipping and sending you to be a witness “to the ends of the earth.” Our Church Planting Residency launches each year in August, for a limited number of people, with an application process before each starting point. Let us help equip you to find your place in the larger narrative of God's global Church!
Application Process
This will include an online application, references, and follow-up meetings.
Residency Details
This residency is a commitment of 10-15 hours a week for one year for anyone post-high school. There is no salary involved. You can complete the residency from wherever you live, meaning you do not have to be in Nashville. All resources and training materials will be covered by TDF.
The residency has five ministry tracks in addition to our general church planting training: (A) Lead Planter, (B) Worship and Tech, (C) Administration, (D) Next Gen., and (E) Discipleship
Where Do I Go From Here?
Prayerfully apply online using the link! If you have questions, email our Multiplication Director, Glenn Drennen at [email protected]