Corey & Diana Burba

Serving in Romania


Corey and Diana, along with their two children Evelyn and Christopher and their ministry team, have been serving in Oradea, Romania with Romanian Orphan Ministries since 2003. They are the house parents at the Beauty from Ashes Center for Orphan Girls. The mission of ROM is to bring the forgotten orphan children in Romania to faith in Christ, to disciple them, and to equip them to be productive citizens and Christians. Orphaned youth are turned out onto the streets with few life skills. Joblessness, homelessness, drug abuse, prostitution, jail, and becoming victims of human trafficking are just a few results. Romanian Orphan Ministries assists these youths in the transition from institutionalized life to becoming a productive member of society. The strategy is holistic and encompasses spiritual, social, physical, and educational facets.

The Donelson Fellowship
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