TDF Kids Pennies for Church Plants
May 5 - 26 2024
This year we are dedicating two months out of the year, May and November, to raising money for specific ministries. For the month of May we will be doing a fundraiser for our TDF Church Plants. We are calling it “Pennies for Church Plants.” Each Sunday of May, our preschool and elementary classes will be encouraged to bring in money that will given to our TDF Church Plants. The group that brings in the most money after the last Sunday of May will earn an awesome treat on the first Sunday of June. Classes from all three services will be broken up as followed: 2-3s, 3-4s, 4-5s, K5-1st, 2nd-3rd, and 4th-5th. Preschool classes will compete against each other, and elementary classes will be against each other. Though this will be a fun way to raise money and great competition, the main purpose of this month is to teach our kids and families about the importance of tithing and supporting God’s ministries and also supporting our church plants. We will take time during large group each Sunday to focus on these godly practices. Any coin or bill will be accepted for the fundraiser.